The NYC Space/Time Directory
Bert Spaan, The New York Public Library
NACIS 2017 — October 12 — Reflections on the Atlas
  1. Maps, photos, documents from NYPL’s collections;
  2. Digitization;
  3. Data extraction (e.g. crowdsourcing, OCR);
  4. Publishing open data;
  5. New insights from combining datasets;
  6. A Searchable Atlas of New York City!
NYPL’s digitization studio in Queens
Afbeeldinge van de Stadt Amsterdam in Nieuw Neederlandt (1660)
Looking southwest to Manhattan from Manhattan Bridge (1937)
L. Kallman’s Hardware, Grand Street & Norfolk Street (1900)
Trow’s general directory of Manhattan and Bronx (1899/1900)
Sanborn Insurance Atlas of New York City, Plate 26 (1894)
Map Warper, our website for crowdsourced map georectification
Piano and ice factories in the South Bronx; georectifying is fun!
ScrollNYC: maps of Manhattan, from New Amsterdam to the 20th century
Crowdsourced transcription of house numbers with Building Inspector
Tracing streets from historical atlases with QGIS
Trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace!
Surveyor: help the NYPL map its photo collections
Open historical datasets on
Datasets from the NYC Space/Time Directory visualized with QGIS
Maps by Decade, a new way to explore historical maps of New York City
house numbers + streets = addresses
A simple geocoder for historical addresses, made with JavaScript
Digitized city directories — available from ± 1790 to 1920
We are using Tesseract to extract text data from city directories
Detecting columns in OCR’d city directories
Conditional random fields (CRF) turn lines into data
Fifth Fifth Avenue
RivingtonRivington Street
Av BAvenue B
W. 17thWest 17th Street
Merchants ExMerchants Exchange
Grace Ct.Grace Court
Thirty-First31st Street
Street names from city directories need to be normalized
City directories, geocoded with historical address data
Graph of dataset dependencies in NYC Space/Time Directory
A new UI to search & visualize data from the Space/Time graph
